[试验][软件][科研] YPD 2024: Yield Point and Ductility [等效屈服点和延性分析程序 2024版]


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The basic function of YPD software is to calculate equivalent yield deformation, ultimate deformation, and ductility coefficient based on the force displacement skeleton curve of components or structures. The software provides 5 commonly used methods for calculating equivalent yield displacement, including geometric drawing method (universal yield point method), equal energy method, R. Park, farthest point method, and EEEP method. The software analysis results can be saved to text files and also support batch analysis of multiple sets of data. YPD is an efficiency tool designed for convenient research, and the software is very user-friendly, especially suitable for students conducting experimental research.


  1. 单向骨架曲线数据 (数据位于第一象限)
  2. 单向骨架曲线数据 (数据位于第二象限)
  3. 单向骨架曲线数据 (数据位于第三象限)
  4. 单向骨架曲线数据 (数据位于第四象限)
  5. 双向骨架曲线数据(数据位于一、三象限)
  6. 双向骨架曲线数据(数据位于二、四象限)

新版程序也增加了可选的 批量分析功能

新版软件增加了 初始刚度 评估与输出。

新版软件增加了 曲线输出EXCEL功能


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如果您需要使用这个软件,请在这给网站捐助:http://www.jdcui.com/?page_id=4813,普通分析版【100RMB】,批量分析版【120RMB】,捐助后在评论区留下您的评论,软件将通过网站管理员QQ:3014479529给您发送,敬请尊重劳动成果 !!!捐助的小伙伴可以通过客服号进行相关研究问题及软件使用问题答疑。 PS.  如果现有功能无法满足你的需求,可联系我们增加。

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