[资料整理] 本站混凝土单轴本构博文汇总整理

实干、实践、积累、思考、创新。 和材料本构相关的部分博文,做个汇总….. [1] [软件][更新][混凝土][科研]2019版 MCSR:Mander Confined Strength Ratio Calculator [2019版Mander混凝土约束强化系数计算工具] [2] [书]PERFORM-3D原理与实例 – 第3章 – 钢筋与混凝土材料的单轴本构关系 [3] 混凝土受拉本构对结构动力时程分析结果的影响[The effects of the concrete tensile constitutive on structural dynamic time hisotry analysis] [4] [论文][Paper]基于试验的ABAQUS混凝土塑性损伤参数取值方法(Determination of Damage …

建筑结构常用钢材的设计强度[Design strength of structural steel]

建筑结构常用钢材的设计强度。www.jdcui.com, 崔济东博士, CJD, JiDong Cui。(1)钢材的厚度越大,抗拉、抗压和和抗弯强度越小。(2)“ GJ ” 代表 高性能建筑结构用钢。(3)一般主要承重构件,宜选用 Q345钢、Q390钢,一般构件宜选用Q235钢。(4)主要承重构件,当板材较厚时,选用GJ钢。GJ钢的详细属性可以查看 规范《GB/T 19879》 ,目前最新版本是 2015。(5)承重构件所用钢材的质量等级不宜低于 B 级。

[书]PERFORM-3D原理与实例 – 第3章 – 钢筋与混凝土材料的单轴本构关系

材料非线性问题是建筑结构非线性分析中经常涉及到的问题,计算中采用的材料本构模型是否合理,直接影响弹塑性分析结果的精度,进而影响建筑结构的抗震性能评估结果。本章首先对几种典型的钢筋与混凝土材料的单轴本构进行介绍,在此基础上对PERFORM-3D [1,2]中单轴本构的处理进行介绍,并结合PERFORM-3D的规则给出常用钢筋与混凝土材料的单轴本构定义方法。Material nonlinearity problems are very common in nonlinear structural analysis. Whether the nonlinear material model used in numerical calculation is reasonable directly influence the reliability of elastoplastic analysis results, which will further affect the seismic performance evaluation of structures. In this chapter, several typical uniaxial constitutive models of steel and concrete was first introduced. On this basis, uniaxial steel and concrete constitutive models in PERFORM-3D were explained in detail. The contents cover detailed explanation of the ‘YULRX’ backbone and the Hysteresis loops in PERFORM-3D. After that, uniaxial constitutive model properties for several commonly used steel and concrete materials were defined based on the rules of PERFORM-3D.

[下载][Tool][软件] OSMatTest: OpenSees Material Test [OpenSees单轴材料测试工具]

[App]OpenSees Material Test.A small program to test the uniaxial materials in OpenSees.OpenSees Material Test将OpenSees ( Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation )中常用的单轴本构关系(钢及混凝土本构)提取出来,通过自行设计的界面进行测试,为今后更加深入的研究奠定基础。