Summary Page of Programming Training

[01] [编程][算法][几何] 编程训练: 凸包问题 [Convex-Hull Problem]

[02] [编程][算法][几何] 编程训练: 离散点的闭合路径 [Closed Path for points]

[03] [编程][算法][几何] 编程训练: 3次B样条曲线 [Cubic BSpline]

[04] [编程][算法][几何] 编程训练: 旅行商问题

[05] [编程][算法][几何] 编程训练: 3次Bezier曲线 [Cubic Bezier Curve]

[06] [编程][游戏][开发] 编程训练:数独游戏 ( Sudoku )

[07] [编程][软件][Programming] 编程训练:模拟退火算法(Simulated annealing algorithm)

[08] [编程][算法][优化] 编程训练:函数的CONLIN线性化

[09] [编程][算法][优化] 编程训练:函数的移动渐进线(MMA)近似

[09] [编程训练][Programming Training] URL Encode and Decode

[10] [游戏][编程][挑战] Programming challenge: Tetris Game [编程挑战: 俄罗斯方块游戏]

[11] [编程][软件][Tool] 幸运大抽奖程序 Lucky Draw

[12] Buffon’s Needle problem [蒲丰投针问题]

[13] [Game][游戏]CJD Core Ball[见缝插针游戏]

[14] Sierpinski Triangle by 1D Cellular Automata [1D元包自动机实现Sierpinski三角形]

[15] Cellular Automata Forest Fire Model [元包自动机森林火灾模型]

[16] Conway’s Game of Life [生命游戏]

[17] Mandelbrot Set & Julia Set [分形]

[18] Morley’s Theorem [莫利定理]

[19] Pascal’s Theorem [帕斯卡定理]

[20] [编程训练][Programming Training] Gaussian Distribution (高斯分布)

[21] [编程训练]Programming Training: Get Host

[22] [编程训练]Programming Training: Rotate Text

[23] [编程训练] 离散点的Delaunay三角形剖分( Delaunay triangulation of a point set)

[24] [编程训练] 图像分割 (Image segmentation)

[25] [编程训练] 拼图游戏 (Jigsaw Puzzle Game)

[26] [编程训练][Programming Training] Random number generator – Uniform Distribution (随机数生成器-均匀分布)

[27] [抽奖][软件][编程][年会] 2020公司年会抽奖 (图片抽奖) (RBS16周年纪念版) (Run by souls)

[28] [编程训练][游戏][数学] 红酒杯与白酒杯里到底有多少红酒和白酒?

[29] [数学][算法] 最小二乘法曲线拟合( Least square curve fitting )

[30] [编程][数学][编程训练] |x|^n+|y|^n=1小米logo轮廓曲线

[31] [数学][编程] 蒙特卡洛模拟法求圆周率π (Monte Carlo method to find PI)

[32] [编程训练] BMP图像缩放 (BMP Image scaling)

[33] [编程训练] 粒子群优化算法 [PSO: Particle Swarm Optimization]

[34] [笔记][智能算法]几个经典的PSO粒子群优化算法测试函数

[35] [编程][笔记] 如何将n^m个可能枚举出来?

[36] [数学][编程][混沌] 虫口模型的数值模拟 [Numerical simulation of insect population model]

[37] 3D小球碰撞 [3D Ball Rebound]

[38] 2D小球反弹 [2D Ball Rebound ]
