[论文][Paper]基于试验的ABAQUS混凝土塑性损伤参数取值方法(Determination of Damage Parameter of ABAQUS CDP Model Based on Test Data)


Torsion analysis by thermal analogy with Abaqus (Abaqus热比拟扭转应力分析)

稳态热传导的控制方程与经典扭转理论的控制方程具有相似性。我们可以通过比拟,在通用有限元软件中利用稳态热传导分析的功能进行扭转问题的分析。本文结合Abaqus软件,通过一个实例说明这个比拟的具体过程。(The steady heat conduction problem and the classic torsion theory have analogy in their control partial differential equations. We can conduct a torsional analysis making use of the steady analysis fuction in general finite element program. This post gives an example on how to do torsion analysis as thermal analogy with Abaqus.)

Analysis of a Euler–Bernoulli beam with Abaqus [Abaqus欧拉-伯努利梁分析]

复习有限元知识,利用 Abaqus 进行欧拉伯努利梁单元的分析。欧拉伯努利梁理论(Euler–Bernoulli beam)又称为工程梁理论(Engineering beam theory)或者经典梁理论(Classical beam theory)。欧拉梁不考虑剪切变形,与铁木辛柯梁(Timoshenko beam)相对。Abaqus中的B23和B33单元为欧拉梁单元。